This is our timetable for the second term 2012. Pretty much the same as the last one, but there are a few changes:
- We are starting to attend the all ability Footy Training of the Sandown Cobras on Monday mornings. The goal is to form a team with other groups and to have games on Sundays this season.
- Alternative to that will be Fishing every fortnight for those guys who prefer that.
- For Indoor Soccer we'll team up with the Life Options group again on Thursdays.
- Wednesday stays the same due to the popularity of the programs.
- Friday is our special Out & About, public transport, movies, racecourse etc Day.
If there is the need to put swimming on a regular basis back on the table, please let us know and leave a comment on this page. We had a vote to do it on a Tuesday instead of cooking, but the narrow majority preferred gardening/shopping/cooking. Please consider, that we are trying to keep everybody happy, the costs as low as possible, extend our skills & knowledge and to organise our transport and resources efficiently. This timetable is the result of exploring what the people like most doing on a weekly basis and what we have to practice on to be more independent.
Your team from Dowling Ave, Sandown Scouts Hall
(Damien, Tammo and Ian)